
Why Women Turn to These Drugs and How to Help

Why Women Turn to These Drugs and How to Help

Women are as likely as men to develop substance use disorder when it comes to prescription drugs. In other areas of drug use, they are less likely for various reasons. Gender differences women face can come from looking at a woman’s overall health and how this impacts substance use. The reasons women use substances are … Read more

Here Are Some Ways Women’s Only Treatment is Gender Responsive

Women showing support for each other during recovery

Women are not responsive to treatment for addiction in the same way men are for various reasons. Men and women do not experience addiction the same way due to how their bodies respond to chemicals in the body and brain. There are other differences in how the brains and bodies of women can benefit from … Read more

Why Rigorous Self-Honesty and Awareness are Critical for Recovery

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Casa Capri Recovery

Awareness and self-honesty are two traits that feel hard to navigate in recovery. They are not part of being addicted to substances because there is so much hiding, lying, stealing, and a lack of awareness for so much of the journey. Addiction takes away a person’s sense of self and ability to be discerning about … Read more

How Digital Storytelling Can Help Women Reclaim Their Stories After Addiction

The written word is still as powerful as it was centuries ago. People used to sit around campfires telling stories. They still do to this day, but they are losing ground to electronics, computers, typewritten words, and engagement with audiovisual storytelling. Digital storytelling is one piece of a larger framework of historical storytelling that began … Read more

Why Breath Opens the Body for Deeper Healing and Recovery

Breathing is a simple and subconscious action, but we often take for granted the simplicity of the breath that comes and goes to power our bodies and brains. When someone struggles with anxiety or is working on deep healing, sometimes this simple action, connecting with the breath is a lifeline. Whilst in the midst of … Read more

Culinary Arts Bring Women New Pathways to Healing

Culinary arts are a way to bring new and positive energy to rehab. In the treatment setting, women often feel emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and are in need of a holistic approach to care. In rehab, women experience detox, individual and group therapy, and often laborious emotional work. One way to lighten what can be … Read more

Tips to Find Sober Hobbies and Leisure Activities in Recovery

Addiction rehab can become a sort of safe space for those in early recovery, especially when they are concerned about living outside the four walls of a facility. For some, it provides safety and structure and for others, it’s exciting to move on and move out, in order to get on with their recovery. Sober … Read more

How Drama Therapy Can Have Positive Healing Powers

Drama is not just a thing for the stage. Drama therapy is a way to engage people in a therapeutic way. Psychotherapy is important for some people in treatment for addiction and it can have positive profoundly healing effects that transform the remedial process. However, different forms of therapy work for different people and scenarios … Read more

Why it Takes Courage to Build a Sober Sisterhood

Benefits of a Women-Only Rehab

Sobriety takes courage and endless patience. Early on, triggers seem to pop up out of nowhere and lurk in every corner. When the brain has been through so much, it takes a long time to settle into a new rhythm of life following detox and rehab. In those moments when the adjustment feels too difficult, … Read more