

Welcome to Casa Capri Recovery, one of the top eating disorder treatment centers for women in the U.S. With our unique gender-specific approach, our eating disorder treatment center for women provides compassionate, expert care to address the unique struggles women face in recovery.


In this article, we’ll discuss the prevalence of eating disorders in women, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and how our tailored programs can guide you or your loved one on the path to recovery.

Understanding Eating Disorders in Women

Eating disorders are complex psychological conditions that involve preoccupation with food, body weight, and body shape, often resulting in severe health risks. 


Common eating disorders in females include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. These disorders are unfortunately very prevalent among women, affecting millions worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa was three times higher among females (0.9%) than males (0.3%).” Given these alarming statistics, the relevance of eating disorder treatment centers for women cannot be overstated.

The Unique Struggles Women Face

Women are often subject to societal pressures related to their appearance, which can contribute to their high prevalence of eating disorders. Media portrayals of women’s bodies can create a distorted body image, fostering insecurities and extreme emotional distress, which can in turn lead to eating disorders. This is by no means the only catalyst for eating disorders, but it does play a part. 

Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Women

If you’re concerned that you or a loved one may be struggling with an eating disorder, compare their symptoms against the ones below, which can indicate distress:


  • Obsession with calorie counting
  • Avoiding meal
  • Excessive exercise
  • Distress at mealtimes
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

The Physical and Mental Impacts of Eating Disorders in Women

Aside from the extreme emotional distress eating disorders can cause, untreated eating disorders can lead to life-threatening physical conditions like heart problems, organ failure, malnourishment, and osteoporosis. These conditions can have long-lasting impacts on health, and can be fatal. 


Psychologically, eating disorders can exacerbate existing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, affecting your overall well-being and isolating you from your family and friends. Eating disorders are excruciating conditions that require professional help — and you don’t have to do it alone. Look to our eating disorder treatment center for women for support.

How Our Eating Disorder Treatment Center for Women Can Help

Casa Capri is a leading eating disorder treatment center for women in Southern California, offering specialized programs catering to the unique needs of women with eating disorders. 


Since 2011, we’ve been restoring lives and healing families. We consciously provide a beautiful, comfortable and nurturing space using a comprehensive evidence-based curriculum, all uniquely designed for women—by women. Our team is a passionate group of skilled experts who have come together for one purpose—to help other women heal. We offer all-women outpatient treatment for eating disorders in a beautiful location in Southern California.

Tailored Eating Disorder Treatment Plans for Women at Casa Capri

Our experts at Casa Capri Recovery design individualized treatment women’s eating disorder treatment plans for everyone who walks through our doors. These comprehensive programs cover a range of eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. We consider your specific needs, background, and recovery goals to ensure the most effective treatment possible.

We Treat Women’s Eating Disorders

At our eating disorder treatment center for women, we understand that each eating disorder carries its own set of challenges and requires a distinct approach to treatment. Our dedicated team is experienced in addressing a range of eating disorders, ensuring that every woman receives the specialized care she deserves. We treat the following disorders:

The team at our women’s eating disorder treatment center is committed to helping women overcome these disorders, providing them with the tools and support to lead a healthier, more fulfilled life.

The Importance of a Supportive Community

After years of leading women through recovery, we’ve come to understand that community support is an invaluable part of the healing process. 


At Casa Capri, you’ll find a community of women who understand, support, and uplift each other. Being in a gender-specific environment encourages open dialogue and mutual encouragement, making the journey towards recovery less daunting.

Aftercare and Long-term Recovery Support

Happy woman standing with her back

Recovery happens a day at a time, across weeks, months, and even years. We offer robust post-treatment support to ensure clients’ long-lasting recovery. Aftercare at eating disorder treatment centers for women like ours can include continued therapy, support groups, and mentorship programs to help you maintain a healthy life beyond our facility.

Insurance Coverage For Women’s Eating Disorder Treatment

We accept a wide range of insurance plans and have partnerships with major providers. Reach out today to verify your insurance, and our dedicated team will assist you in understanding and maximizing your benefits to make your recovery financially accessible.

anthem bcbs
halcyon behavioral

Casa Capri Recovery is proud to be an approved Anthem Blue Cross, MHN, Aetna, The Holman Group, and Halcyon Provider.

We are fully licensed by the State of California and our treatment center is accredited by The Joint Commission – the standard of excellence in quality programs.



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License#300326BP Expiration Date: 06/30/2024 Certification#300326EP Expiration Date: 01/31/2024
NAATP Provider Member
As Featured on A&E® Intervention


Get Help Today at Our Eating Disorder Treatment Center

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, take the first brave step towards a fulfilling life by reaching out to us at Casa Capri Recovery. Experience the compassion and specialized care that make us a leading eating disorder treatment center for women. 

Casa Capri Recovery

Our program offers the highest quality care for women struggling with addiction and co-occurring conditions in Southern California.

FAQs About Eating Disorder Treatment for Women

The most common eating disorders include:

  • Anorexia Nervosa: Characterized by restricted food intake, intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted body image.
  • Bulimia Nervosa: Involves episodes of binge eating followed by behaviors to prevent weight gain, such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or misuse of laxatives.
  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Repeated episodes of consuming large amounts of food in a short period, often accompanied by feelings of guilt or shame.
  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Limited food preferences, often based on the taste, texture, smell, or appearance of foods.
  • Pica: Consuming non-food substances regularly, like dirt or hair.
  • Rumination Disorder: Regularly regurgitating food, re-chewing, re-swallowing, or spitting it out.
  • Orthorexia: An obsession with eating foods one considers healthy and avoiding foods seen as unhealthy.

At Casa Capri, we treat a wide array of eating disorders, recognizing that each one requires a different approach. 

Women are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders than men. According to Clemson University:


 “Anorexia is seen in roughly 0.35% of all women and seen in roughly 0.1% of all men. Roughly 1% to 2% of all females will have anorexia at least once in their lifetime, while it is around .1% to .3% in males.”

However, men still represent a significant minority of those affected, and their cases might be underreported due to stigma.

Every woman is different, but some root causes of eating disorders may include:

  • Biological: Genetic predisposition, imbalances in brain chemicals, or irregular hormone functions.
  • Psychological: Low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and perfectionism.
  • Interpersonal: Troubled personal relationships, difficulty expressing emotions, history of being teased or ridiculed based on size or weight.
  • Societal Pressure: Idealization of thinness, particularly prevalent in western cultures, can contribute.
  • Traumatic Events: Such as sexual abuse or other distressing experiences.

Absolutely. Recovery from an eating disorder is possible, but the journey is often complex and individualized. With proper treatment, including medical care, therapy, and support, many individuals can recover from their eating disorders and live full, happy lives.

Depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other conditions often co-occur with eating disorders, and they can sometimes complicate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery process. They might either contribute to the onset of an eating disorder or be a result of it. They may intensify symptoms and can pose challenges in treatment, requiring a holistic and tailored approach.

Early intervention is critical in treating eating disorders. Recognizing and addressing the disorder in its early stages increases the chances of a full recovery and can reduce the severity and duration of the disorder. It can also reduce the risk of long-term health complications associated with prolonged eating disorders.

The duration varies, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months. The exact length is tailored to each individual’s needs, taking into consideration the type and severity of the eating disorder, as well as your personal recovery goals. 

At Casa Capri Recovery, treatment approaches are tailored to each specific type of eating disorder. For anorexia, the focus is on medical stabilization and developing a healthy relationship with food. Bulimia treatment combines nutritional counseling with psychological therapies aimed at impulse control. Binge-eating disorder treatment addresses emotional triggers and promotes healthy eating habits. Each approach is holistic, incorporating individual and group therapy, nutritional support, and complementary therapies.

We can typically accommodate individuals with special dietary needs or preferences, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or allergen-specific diets. We work closely with dietitians to ensure that meal plans are tailored to meet the nutritional needs and personal preferences of each client, which is crucial for their recovery.

Success rates for treatment at eating disorder treatment centers vary widely depending on factors like the type of eating disorder, the length and intensity of treatment, and individual client characteristics. Generally, a coordinated approach involving medical care, nutritional counseling, and psychological therapy leads to better outcomes, with many clients experiencing significant improvement.

You or someone you know might need treatment for an eating disorder if there are signs of significant weight loss or gain, preoccupation with weight and body image, restrictive eating patterns, binge eating, purging, or excessive exercise. Professional help is crucial when eating habits lead to distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.