

Mood Disorders in Women and Substance Abuse

What is a Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mood disorder that is broken down into subtypes. It is sometimes referred to as manic depression, and sufferers will experience dramatic changes in mood, energy, and activity levels that significantly impair their daily functioning. These severe mood changes can last for weeks or sometimes months. Sometimes the mood shifts can be dramatic. Changes in mood can range from manic highs and severe lows. The characteristics and effects of Bipolar in Women can vary greatly from that of men. 

What are the different types of bipolar in women?

Bipolar 2
In Bipolar two disorder, patients experience episodes of hypomania and depression where they feel energetic and alert, but also have depression.

Bipolar 1
Cyclothymia. In a lifetime, she would have had to have had at least one manic episode. Manic episodes can look like:

  • Exceptional energy
  • Restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Risky behavior
  • Poor sleep

How common is bipolar in Women along with substance abuse?

Co-occurring substance use disorders can make it even more difficult for clinicians to accurately diagnose bipolar in women. It can take some bipolar patients a long time before they seek treatment and get an accurate diagnosis. During this time, many people with untreated bipolar disorder will turn to drugs or alcohol to find relief for their symptoms. In some cases, alcohol or drug use can trigger bipolar disorder as they can look very similar. In fact, we see many women come to treatment with this diagnosis and once sober for a period of time, the symptoms go away.

How We Do It

At Casa Capri Recovery we believe treating co-occurring bipolar in women and substance abuse with both medications and therapy is ideal.

We have found that bipolar patients with a co-occurring addiction will often need to stay in our safe, comfortable, medical detox before attending our residential programming a little longer for stabilization. Here, doctors are available 24 hours a day to monitor our clients, and she will begin to identify—with help from our highly trained clinicians—her triggers and how to cope without substances. Integrated treatment modalities, where both the mental health disorder and substance abuse disorder are addressed and treated simultaneously give bipolar patients the best outcomes.

Treatment and recovery are possible. Addiction and bipolar in women are lifelong recoveries, but Casa Capri Recovery gives our clients access to skilled therapists, trained doctors, and a clinical team who can help them create an ongoing treatment plan.

With ongoing treatment, clients our are better able to avoid triggers and deal with stressors in everyday life without resorting to drugs or alcohol. Ongoing, contingency plans living with bipolar enables them to better manage their care for life.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition…but it is treatable. Clients who receive our personalized care can go on to live a life free from the disruption of symptoms.

Recovery is possible!

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Casa Capri Recovery

Our program offers the highest quality care for women struggling with addiction and co-occurring conditions in Southern California.

We are fully licensed by the State of California and our treatment center is accredited by The Joint Commission – the standard of excellence in quality programs.


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Casa Capri Recovery is proud to be an approved Anthem Blue Cross, MHN, Aetna, The Holman Group, and Halcyon Provider.


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License#300326BP Expiration Date: 06/30/2026 Certification#300326EP Expiration Date: 01/31/2026
NAATP Provider Member
As Featured on A&E® Intervention

Get Help Now

If you or a loved one has a substance addiction, please give us a call today at 949-749-5027. It’s time to heal your heart and find true happiness.


Our admissions team is always available to talk and answer any questions you may have about our drug and alcohol rehab programs at Casa Capri Recovery for women.