
Why Single Ladies Need Time to Heal During the First Year of Recovery

Single Ladies need to heal

Moving through recovery is challenging when it comes to figuring out how to navigate romantic relationships. Some people say you must avoid dating, others say dating is okay with some boundaries. That first year is the toughest phase of your recovery. Newly sober people who struggle with alcoholism and addiction are better off thinking about … Read more

Putting Family First in Recovery

Family First in Recovery

Starting over in recovery requires putting some things on the back burner and putting others at the front of the line. This second chance at a new start means figuring out what is a priority right now. Things shift throughout your recovery, but many people find putting family first is vital to healing. Involving loved … Read more

Emotional Eating Can Put Recovery at Risk: Here’s How to Cope Better

Emotional eating

Emotions can trigger behavior that can sometimes turn into negative things like overeating, not eating enough, or emotional eating. Challenges with emotional eating are not uncommon for people in recovery because it is a response to a difficult situation. Sadness can decrease or increase appetite. People with mood swings, or in recovery, might try to … Read more

Why Family Estrangement Does Not Have to Derail Recovery

Family Estrangement

Family forms the foundation of a person’s life. They are the first people with whom we experience life, through good times and bad. Sometimes, the family experiences a rupture that causes estrangement between members. Even if the healthiest family can experience addiction, mental illness, abuse, or neglect. Each of these issues can become a reason … Read more

Deepen the Connection to Your Inner Self with These Steps

Inner Self

Every day is a choice to wake up, after which you’re faced with many other options. In recovery, this can feel overwhelming because all these choices are new. Never before have you faced the day without substances or reaching for a drink or other drug to soothe your soul. Recovery is a minute by minute, … Read more

Is My Wife an Alcoholic?

distressed women

Relationships, like life, are always changing. People change over the course of their lives, hopefully for the better, but stressors like work, loss, or existing trauma accumulate whether we like it or not.

How to (Re) Build Romance After Treatment


Addiction takes a toll on people and their personal relationships. The stress that comes from addiction is inevitable on people, especially those closest to you. Romantic relationships often suffer from broken trust and discomfort around what the reality is like in recovery. Broken dreams and plans that were never completed can lead to frustration and … Read more